
The word Impotent is most commonly used to denote the inability to get an erection, or more generally, to denote powerlessness. It is definitely not used to denote inability per se. It is a word that is bound to raise the hackles of those people on the list who choose to believe in God. Using Aditya's own lingo, this irritation is faitth-based and not logical in nature.

I feel you are ascribing noble motives to Aditya's email when in fact there are none. He simply seems curious about why religious tradition has not thrown up any prophets or messiahs after muhammad (which is an acceptable question) and he chooses to ask his question in a way that insults the faith of the majority of people who believe in speaking respectfully of God (which is what is unacceptable). Aman B. has meanwhile explained at great length why the lingo, and not the content per se, is objectionable.

While I and many others have in the past been sporting about Aditya's unique bitchy lingo and enjoy some of his emails, I am unable to play along with this comment, since I dont see how bitchiness can be an alternative to having respect for what is important to others. Then, one is just being crass, not bitchy.

I am agnostic myself and definitely a critic of organised religion. But I do not see how I can help myself or others by deliberately hurting others sensibilities. Its sad that on a list which brings together a minority which is facing insensitivity from the majority, one has to still debate on the inherent necessity to be sensitive to others feelings.

Incidentally Aditya, as prophets go, you could have a look at
which is relevant to your question about whether further prophets have been spoken about in religious tradition since Mohammad. The first paragraph reads as follows :

"Bahá'u'lláh (Arabic: بهاء اللهtranslation: "Glory of God") (1817 - 1892), born Mírzá Husayn-`Alí (Persian: میرزا حسین علی‎), was the founder and prophet of the Bahá'í Faith.
He claimed to fulfill the Bábí prophecy of "He whom God shall make manifest", but in a broader sense he also claimed to be the Messenger of God prophesied in all great religious traditions. He said that this day “is the king of days,” for which “the soul of every Prophet of God, of every Divine Messenger, hath thirsted,” and that “In this most mighty Revelation, all the Dispensations of the past have attained their highest, their final consummation.”

Manoj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just butting in ..
Impotent means 'unable' in simple english.
Why shud we associate the words with any "wrongdoings"?
Also aditya is not being offensive aginst god(hindu or muslim) but against those who restrict the vision of god due to their own restricted ideas and insecurities.
I think its high time we disassociate ourselves from what religions and such other "religios heads" keep talking about and go about as humans.
There is a long mail i have in mind on this issue - but this grp is not meant for them and hence will not get in that to provide a tangent to issues relevant to us and in keeoping with the list rules.
Suffice to say that i am sure that Aditya was poking fun at the people who keep redifining religious rules rather than the religion itself and lets look at the people who are oppressing us under guise of religion rather than people who ask questions on them ( of course Aditya has his own sense of lingo which many on the list need a hajmola to digest -- but well hey who says being bitchy and understanding one is everyones piece of cake :o)    ) .
Dear Aditya,
Impotency of God? There you go again!
Its not what you ask ... its how you ask it, is the problem. Your question(s?) can be answered, provided they are phrased more respectfully.
Please dont tell me you can't ask a simple question in a simple manner?
For example- "Why was Proht Mohd the last propht, Howcome no more prophets after him"? Woudnt this suffice your purpose?
I mean, its not like you have a problem expressing yourself in English. I assume, if you are capable of using phrases like "bankrupt" and "going out of business", you can frame a simple question also.
About the auto-ridicule thing, if it was not some kind of  wicked sense of humour that makes you use words like "God being impotent/bankrupt at producing messaiahs" , I dont understand what else it could be?
Please tell me, then, are you just being mean, deliberately? I hope not.
May be.... , its just that you do not know that Muslims do not use that kind of language wen they talk about their religion or God. 
Your last-name suggests that you may have been Bannerjee* and so you must be Bengali, right? The reason I am bringing this up is because, my best buddy is also  Bengali and wen I was a kid, his father had explained to me that Maa Durga despite being a Goddess is more like a mother, so wen one is angry one can even fight and yell at the Goddess just as one would, with ones biological mother.
Please understand that Muslims cant do that. They cant yell and fight with God.
I dont question their way of doing things. I accept it as a different way of doing things.
Bottom Line: You were politically incorrect when you asked your question "Hey, after Prophet Muhhammad, why did GOD go out of the business of creating prophets? What Bankrupted Him..??? " in your previous mail
You are way out of line when u ask about the impotency of God in this mail.
As a mark of respect and religious tolerance for that religion, I am merely asking you to use the correct language if you feel the need to discuss the philosophy and logic of Islam, because it hurt someone I love.
I dont know, if what I have painstakingly and nicely explained in here is still clear to you or not. But one thing is clear, if you dont understand this, I am sure it will not be from my want of trying to explain it to you.
Aman B.
*Trivia: (I dnt knw if this is true...but  the same buddys grandpa told me this.)The British changed Bondhopadhyas to Banerjees, Chatopadhyas to Chatterjees etc. 
PS: Manoj, Somu, thanks for responding. I appreciate and value your mails. And Somu, When there are people like you, Manoj, myself and  and other g_b subscribers too numerous to name, I am sure my inference about the gay Muslims feeling like a minority within a minority is baseless . Thanks once again for your time and understanding.
From: "Aditya Bondyopadhyay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun Apr 16, 2006  3:40 pm
Subject: Re: g_b Warning for gays ..
Darling luwerdude, why is it that asking any question about GOD is mocking some religion, or better still mocking some practitioners of some religion? And as to logic, when did I say I want only a logical explanation? I am pretty happy to get the illogical, or 'faith based' one. In fact its the later which is the more emnjoyable read. 
Which brings me to the second question, how is asking about GOD's impotence at producing messiahs and prophets an auto-redicule question?
Luv, Aditya

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