To MR. Sanju.
  Dear Friend. First of all stop worrying & stop thinking what will happen 
tommorrow. & nothing is going to happen to you. You are not only one that you 
had done this thing. First get all the world courage in you. & only think that 
you have to come out of this mess. 
  Take some of your friends with you. ( I am from Pune, But I will come to help 
you I am quite older & have good knowledge of law & fighting to like those 
people. All G.B Guys are with you. Ask those culprits what is your mistake? 
They will tell first off all, Just deiny every thing. Behave like you 
have not done any thing. & tell them lets go to police station & we will 
discuss with the senior officers.
  Just in one minute they will fuch off..
  & Remember there is no reason to hide, what you are ? & you are not alone 
that you are guy. & Also police know that such things are happening in Mumbai. 
& Mumbai Police have lot,lot & lots of other works to handle than this guy 
issue things.

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