Dear Friends,

Please stop doubting Doctors and Medical Personnels
un-necessarily.....Whatever they are doing is for the
best of the Patient. In the process if u felt
uncomfortable, remember, it was for a 'good n
self-less' reason to benefit 'your patient' whom u
wanted to 'help' by donating your blood !

Please read on as I try to Simplify it for Everyone's

Blood Banks r worried about 'High Risk" behaviour:

1. Hetero or Homo sex without condom with more than
one partner during same period or change partners one
after another, so u may have lost track of the other
person's health status, esp. those who go for
'one-night stands'.. 

2. Sharing of needles for medicine or 'drugs'

3. Regular visit to Barbershop for shaving where the
razor is shared

4. Recent Body-piercings

5. History of receiving recent bloodtransfusion during
a surgery

6. Vaccination for Hepatitis B etc..

No direct questions like 'Are u a Homo?' are asked.

And if asked, why worry? It is just to remind you that
it is 'important' life-style factor you yourself
should be aware of, as it is vital for the patient's
health, though u do not see any direct link !! 

Invariably, 'one-in-ten-thousand' person will write
'yes' as answer !! So, nobody is expecting a 'true'
answer so long as you reply correctly to your 'Inner
Conscience" !!!

This is all part of the first segment of Donor
Selection known as "Self-Deferral", which according to
researchers is the 'most important' step in Donor

Why ? Read On........

This is meant for a person to 'Read' and decide for
himself whether he would like to give blood after
being reminded of such situations where accidental
introduction of HIV or Hepatitis Viruses might have
taken  place in his Body !

If so, politely back-up from giving blood....No
questions asked. It is up to you to disclose the
reason for which u find yourself unsuitable for blood

By giving Blood Donation and hiding your 'status' of
'Risk Behaviour', you might Actually 'Harm' your
Friend !

Because one can never be sure of 'his own health' if
he has indulged in these activities, reason being:

1. U might be in "Window Period" of an infection when
it is present in your blood and can be transferred to
person receiving your blood, BUT YOU YOURSELF FEEL
HEALTHY AND WITHOUT PROBLEM, 'till the window period
is OVER' and u start feeling ill !

Or you may continue to feel 'normal' and be a
'Carrier" of the infection.......the person receiving
your blood will fall ill!!

What Next ?

After u have decided to go ahead and give blood
donation, a Doctor will interview on 'one-to-one'
basis and ask you a series of questions to make sure
that you might have answerer Self-deferral questions
'reliably'! If he has slightest doubt, he will
'reject' you as a donor.

Next he will examine your Arms for checking any signs
for previous needle pricks. This rules out
'professional' donors (who sell blood for money)
posing as patient's relatives and those who have
hidden the info regarding needle injections......

If one can pass his way thru' all this, the Blood you
donate is tested for HIV, Hepatitis B & C, Syphilis
and Malaria. If there is slightest hint of Positivity,
it will be rejected and destroyed !

BUT, BUT, BUT, this testing procedure fails again "IF
YOU ARE IN WINDOW PERIOD" !!! Because then the
infection is too weak to be detected.

Blood Banks use most sensitive tests for these
infections, still there is a small 'window period' of
a few days during which infection fails to be detected
and the 'unfortunate' recipient of such blood suffers
ultimately !

So, we come back to the first point of "Self
Deferral". We, as responsible and sincere citizens and
members of society, and most importantly - Relatives
or Friends of the patient whom we are trying to
'help', should answer and respond to self-deferral
questionnaire 'most honestly'.

In short: "If you are in Doubt, Don't Donate Blood"

You will Never Regret Your Decision !

Hope i have been able to explain it all clearly.......
So, stop sulking and keep smiling, as there are many
other ways to be of service to humanity, than
'overloading' the bloodbanks with such donations that
will ultimately go down the drain !!!

Love u all !!!!!!!!!!


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