Gays gear up for Queer fest 


Posted Saturday , May 26, 2007 at 15:39 

Updated Saturday , May 26, 2007 at 15:58 

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BREAKING FREE: One can watch movies, party or discuss legalities at the

BREAKING FREE: One can watch movies, party or discuss legalities at the


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New Delhi: If you don't want just the straight and narrow this weekend, take
yourself to Nigah's Queer Festival in Delhi. 

It's a space for gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and hijra (eunuch)
voices to say, "I want to break free". 

One can put up their photographic portraits and present their personality on
their own terms. 

One can also watch 21 films on gay issues over two days. 

Romantic comedies like Nina's Heavenly Delights, short films like Alan B
Stone and the Age of Beefcake and super short films like the four-minute
short Locust. 

Then there are also discussions to find out the legal rights of gays and
lesbians and what to do if they are arrested while cruising, and why people
can't be fired from their jobs just because they are HIV+. 

One can also use breaks between discussions and movies to party with the
fantastic people who are coming from across India to attend the festival.

The festival lasts till June 3, 2007 and the venue and time details can be
gleaned from




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