------- Comment #7 from terry at chem dot gu dot se  2010-03-06 03:36 -------
Subject: Re:  [4.3/4.4/4.5 Regression] No EOF condition 
     if reading with '(x)' from an empty file

> Also the F95 standard says in 10.6.1:
> "The position specified by an X edit descriptor is forward from the
> current
> position. On input, a position beyond the last character of the record may
> be
> specified if no characters are transmitted from such positions."
> This to me means there is no END condition if there is no transfer after
> the X.
> I am wondering of this should be an extension, give the END condition with
> -std=gnu and not with -std=f95? Also, perhaps we should discuss on c.l.f.

Should I interpret that as being that the code I presented currently
behaves in a way consistent with the F95 standard?  (Any differences here
with the F90 or F77 standards?)

It seems that's a critical question, irrespective of any principle of
least surprise.



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