--- Comment #27 from Iain Sandoe <iains at gcc dot> ---
JFTR, I did an experiment with a trivial hot/cold partitioned object and ld64
from XCode10.1.

Yes, it complains - but it still publishes the symbol as a weak extern.


I looked a bit harder at the symbol resolutions you attached.

* In the working case, the libsupc++ (part of libstdc++) versions of the
various new functions/operators are overriding the ones from libc++abi (because
the libstdc++.dylib is presented first, I assume).

* In the non-working case, the various new functions/operators are some
resolved from the  static instances [static_1.exe:__Zblahblah] - and some from
libc++abi.  This is exactly the kind of fragility I was concerned about.


dyld: weak bind: static_1.exe:0x10E034738 = static_1.exe:__ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t,
*0x10E034738 = 0x10DD4E540
dyld: weak bind: libstdc++.6.dylib:0x112FC0980 =
static_1.exe:__ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t, *0x112FC0980 = 0x10DD4E540
dyld: weak bind: libc++abi.dylib:0x7FFF8C76F0A0 =
libc++abi.dylib:__ZnamSt11align_val_t, *0x7FFF8C76F0A0 = 0x7FFF578B9C9D
dyld: weak bind: libstdc++.6.dylib:0x112FC0988 =
libc++abi.dylib:__ZnamSt11align_val_t, *0x112FC0988 = 0x7FFF578B9C9D
dyld: weak bind: static_1.exe:0x10E034740 = static_1.exe:__Znwm, *0x10E034740 =
dyld: weak bind: liblcio.2.12.dylib:0x1125F0E08 = static_1.exe:__Znwm,
*0x1125F0E08 = 0x10DD4E500

and ..

dyld: weak bind: libstdc++.6.dylib:0x112FC0990 = static_1.exe:__Znwm,
*0x112FC0990 = 0x10DD4E500
dyld: weak bind: libc++abi.dylib:0x7FFF8C76F0B0 =
libc++abi.dylib:__ZnwmSt11align_val_t, *0x7FFF8C76F0B0 = 0x7FFF578B9BE7
dyld: weak bind: libstdc++.6.dylib:0x112FC0998 =
libc++abi.dylib:__ZnwmSt11align_val_t, *0x112FC0998 = 0x7FFF578B9BE7
dyld: lazy bind: libgfortran.5.dylib:0x1128D75D0 =
libsystem_pthread.dylib:_pthread_key_create, *0x1128D75D0 = 0x7FFF5A38270C

If you look at the working case, these all seem to be consistently resolved
from libstdc++.dylib (there's a lot of data, I don't claim to have checked
every entry, but a portion).


Finally, I don't think that there's been any change to the build of libstdc++
that would actually have changed anything about that particular circumstance
(the warning given) in the period mentioned.

** It *is* possible that there's been some change to the system dyld [dynamic
linker] during that time as part of an OS upgrade (but not sure if there was an
upgrade over that period either) that has tightened up some aspect of the
symbol binding - but not sure how to prove/disprove that right now.

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