On 21/09/15 15:38, James Greenhalgh wrote:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:44:32AM +0100, Alan Lawrence wrote:
[Resending in plain text] This makes sense to me now, although I find
your comment slightly confusing:

[....] in that
+;; the meaning of HI and LO is always taken with a little-endian view of
+;; the vector

You mean vec_unpacks_{hi,lo} (which seems to go against the
*architectural* bit after this), or hi/lo in cases other than
vec_unpack (=> not "always"), or something else?

maybe s/always/usually/ or s/always/otherwise/ ?

What I was aiming for is a description that our implementation of these
standard pattern names looks wrong, because "hi" always extracts the
architectural high lanes, in other big-endian patterns we make the
adjustment that higher numbered lanes map to the low architectural lanes.

I've tried to reword the comment to make it clearer, but I'm assuming some
familiarity with our overall big-endian vector model.

Looks good to me, thanks for the clarification.

Cheers, Alan

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