On Fri, May 06, 2016 at 12:32:47PM -0400, David Malcolm wrote:
> Perhaps, but CONSTEXPR seems to be more awkward than OVERRIDE and
> FINAL.  The meanings of "final" and "override" are consistent between
> C++11 and C++14, but C++14 allows more things to be marked as
> "constexpr" than C++11.  Hence having a single "CONSTEXPR" macro might
> not be sufficient.  Perhaps there'd be CONSTEXPR_11 and CONSTEXPR_14
> macros for things that are constexpr in C++11 onwards and constexpr in
> C++14 onwards, respectively? (seems ugly to me).

Yeah, or CONSTEXPR and CONSTEXPR14 could work, sure.

> Are the OVERRIDE and FINAL macros OK for trunk?



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