On 28 September 2011 04:22, Michael Spertus wrote:
> Benjamin,
> I think tuple is wrong both for performance reasons (I believe these are 
> likely to be serious enough to depress use due to inordinately long compiles) 
> and because it prematurely locks us into a rigid choice of how our typelists 
> are implemented.
> My inclination is to make it type-independent by returning an unspecified 
> type that can have a sequence of types extracted from it (this is the 
> approach taken by boost::mpl and has loads of experience that shows it is a 
> good approach to metaprogramming). In other words, first<bases<A>>::type 
> would be the first base of A, etc.

Citing Boost MPL as a good way to avoid inordinately long compiles ...
interesting!  Have you ever tried to reduce a GCC bug report from 20k
lines to 20, because most Boost libs include every MPL header?!

I hope we can get a simple typelist _without_ needing everything else
in MPL, such as the apply and lambda metafunctions (and maybe a lot of
that could be massively simplified using variadic templates anyway.)

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