Hi Martin,

On 2019/6/20 09:59, luoxhu wrote:

On 2019/6/19 20:18, Martin Liška wrote:
On 6/19/19 10:56 AM, Martin Liška wrote:
Thank you very much for the numbers. Today, I'm going to prepare the generalization of single-value counter to track N values.

Ok, here's a patch candidate that does tracking of most common N values. For your test-case I can see:

pr69678.gcda:    01a90000:  18:COUNTERS indirect_call 9 counts
pr69678.gcda:                   0: 350000000 1868707024 175000000 969338501 175000000 0 0 0
pr69678.gcda:                   8: 0

So for now, you'll need to generalize get_most_common_single_value to return
N most common values.

Eventually we'll need to renamed the counter as it won't be tracking just a single value
any longer. I can take care of it.

Can you please verify that the patch candidate works for you?
Thanks, the profile data seems good, I will try it.  I need rebase my patch
to trunk first, as there are many conflicts with your previous patch.

The patch works perfect for me, lots of duplicate code can be removed base
on that.  Hope you can upstream it soon.  :)
BTW, I don't need call the get_most_common_single_value function to access
the histogram values & counters, I will loop access it directly one by one.



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