On 7/2/19 11:54 AM, Indu Bhagat wrote:
> Ping.
> Can someone please review these patches ? We would like to get the
> support for CTF integrated soon.
I'm not sure there's really even consensus that we want CTF support in
GCC.  Though I think that the changes you've made in the last several
weeks do make it somewhat more palatable.  But ultimately the first step
is to get that consensus.

I'd hazard a guess that Jakub in particular isn't on board as he's been
pushing to some degree for post-processing or perhaps doing it via a
plug in.

Richi has been guiding you a bit through how to make the changes easier
to integrate, but I haven't seen him state one way or the other his
preference on whether or not CTF support is something we want.

I'm hesitant to add CTF support in GCC, but can understand how it might
be useful given the kernel's aversion to everything dwarf.  But if the
kernel is the primary consumer than I'd lean towards post-processing.


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