On Wed, 9 Aug 2023, Jakub Jelinek via Gcc-patches wrote:

> I know that soft-fp is owned by glibc and I think the op-common.h change
> should be propagated there, but the bitint stuff is really GCC specific
> and IMHO doesn't belong into the glibc copy.

The op-common.h change is OK for glibc.

Some additional tests I think should be added to the testsuite for 
floating-point functionality in this patch, that I didn't spot in the 
testsuite patches - if any of these aren't included initially, there 
should at least be bugs filed in Bugzilla for the omissions:

1. Test overflowing conversions to integers (including from inf or NaN) 
raise FE_INVALID.  (Note: it's not specified in the standard whether 
inexact conversions to integers raise FE_INEXACT or not, so testing that 
seems less important.)

2. Test conversions from integers to floating point raise FE_INEXACT when 
inexact, together with FE_OVERFLOW when overflowing (while exact 
conversions don't raise exceptions).

3. Test conversions from integers to floating point respect the rounding 

4. Test converting floating-point values in the range (-1.0, 0.0] to both 
unsigned and signed _BitInt; I didn't see such tests for binary floating 
types, only for decimal types, and the decimal tests didn't include tests 
of negative zero itself as the value converted to _BitInt.

5. Test conversions of noncanonical BID zero to integers (these tests 
would be specific to BID).  See below for a bug in this area.

For points 2 and 3 above, it's probably appropriate to test only for 
binary floating point, to avoid any issues with the separate DFP rounding 
mode and with DFP arithmetic operations not necessarily working correctly 
with exceptions - but then a bug should be filed in Bugzilla noting the 
omission of such tests for DFP.

For points 1, 2 and 3 above, if the conversions for types such as 
_BitInt(32) might end up using the same conversions as for types such as 
int, then tests for such types should probably be omitted (again with a 
bug filed) given the range of known bugs about exceptions from such 
operations with types such as int.

> +__bid_fixtdbitint (UBILtype *r, SItype rprec, _Decimal128 a)
> +{
> +  FP_DECL_EX;
> +  USItype arprec = rprec < 0 ? -rprec : rprec;
> +  USItype rn = (arprec + BIL_TYPE_SIZE - 1) / BIL_TYPE_SIZE;
> +  union { _Decimal128 d; UDItype u[2]; } u;
> +  UDItype mantissahi, mantissalo, t;
> +  SItype sgn;
> +  SItype exponent;
> +  USItype exp_bits, mant_bits;
> +  UBILtype *pow10v, *resv;
> +  USItype pow10_limbs, res_limbs, min_limbs, mant_limbs, low_zeros;
> +
> +  u.d = a;
> +  mantissahi = u.u[__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ != __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__];
> +  mantissalo = u.u[__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__];
> +  t = mantissahi >> 47;
> +  sgn = (DItype) mantissahi < 0;
> +  if ((t & (3 << 14)) != (3 << 14))
> +    {
> +      mantissahi &= ((((UDItype) 1) << 49) - 1);
> +      exponent = (t >> 2) & 0x3fff;

Overflow (thus producing a noncanonical zero) is possible in this case for 
TDmode.  An appropriate test of a noncanonical zero that goes through this 
case should thus be added to the testsuite.

> +    }
> +  else if ((t & (3 << 12)) != (3 << 12))
> +    {
> +      mantissahi &= ((((UDItype) 1) << 47) - 1);
> +      mantissahi |= ((UDItype) 1) << 49;
> +      exponent = t & 0x3fff;
> +      if (mantissahi > (UDItype) 0x1ed09bead87c0
> +       || (mantissahi == (UDItype) 0x1ed09bead87c0
> +           && mantissalo > 0x378d8e63ffffffff))
> +     {
> +       mantissahi = 0;
> +       mantissalo = 0;
> +     }

And in this case, overflow is guaranteed; the check for the overflow 
threshold should thus move to the previous case.

This patch is OK with these fixes.

Note for powerpc architecture maintainers: adding _BitInt support on that 
architecture will mean, as well as adding support for the conversions 
to/from DPD (if S/390 doesn't get there first), also adding support for 
conversions to/from IBM long double.

Joseph S. Myers

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