On 9/17/23 01:42, Pan Li via Gcc-patches wrote:
From: Pan Li <pan2...@intel.com>

Given below example for VLS mode

test (vl_t *u)
   vl_t t;
   long long *p = (long long *)&t;

   p[0] = p[1] = 2;

   *u = t;

The vec_set will simplify the insn to vmv.s.x when index is 0, without
merged operand. That will result in some problems in DCE, aka:

1:  137[DI] = a0
2:  138[V2DI] = 134[V2DI]                              // deleted by DCE
3:  139[DI] = #2                                       // deleted by DCE
4:  140[DI] = #2                                       // deleted by DCE
5:  141[V2DI] = vec_dup:V2DI (139[DI])                 // deleted by DCE
6:  138[V2DI] = vslideup_imm (138[V2DI], 141[V2DI], 1) // deleted by DCE
7:  135[V2DI] = 138[V2DI]                              // deleted by DCE
8:  142[V2DI] = 135[V2DI]                              // deleted by DCE
9:  143[DI] = #2
10: 142[V2DI] = vec_dup:V2DI (143[DI])
11: (137[DI]) = 142[V2DI]

The higher 64 bits of 142[V2DI] is unknown here and it generated
incorrect code when store back to memory. This patch would like to
fix this issue by adding a new SCALAR_MOVE_MERGED_OP for vec_set.
I must be missing something. Doesn't insn 10 broadcast the immediate 0x2 to both elements of r142?!? What am I missing?


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