On 10/27/23 14:31, Patrick O'Neill wrote:
Hi Fei,

A recent change to GCC [1] updated the  the registers in the cm.push and cm.pop insns for these testcases:

|FAIL: gcc.target/riscv/rv32i_zcmp.c -Os check-function-bodies test1 FAIL: gcc.target/riscv/rv32i_zcmp.c -Os check-function-bodies test2_step1_0_size FAIL: gcc.target/riscv/rv32i_zcmp.c -Os check-function-bodies test3|

Debug log:

Executing on host: 
  -march=rv64gcv -mabi=lp64d -mcmodel=medlow   -fdiagnostics-plain-output    
-Os   -Os -march=rv32imaf_zca_zcmp -mabi=ilp32f -mcmodel=medlow -S   -o 
rv32i_zcmp.s    (timeout = 600)
spawn -ignore SIGHUP 
 -march=rv64gcv -mabi=lp64d -mcmodel=medlow -fdiagnostics-plain-output -Os -Os 
-march=rv32imaf_zca_zcmp -mabi=ilp32f -mcmodel=medlow -S -o rv32i_zcmp.s
PASS: gcc.target/riscv/rv32i_zcmp.c   -Os  (test for excess errors)
body: .*\tcm.push       {ra, s0-s4}, -80
.*\tcm.popret   {ra, s0-s4}, 80
against:        lui     a5,%hi(.LC0)
        li      t0,-16384
        cm.push {ra, s0-s6}, -80
        addi    t0,t0,816
        fsw     fs0,44(sp)
        lw      s2,%lo(.LC0)(a5)
        lw      s3,%lo(.LC0+4)(a5)
        fmv.s.x fs0,zero
        li      a5,4096
        add     sp,sp,t0
        addi    a5,a5,-784
        li      s1,4096
        li      s0,0
        addi    s5,sp,-784
        add     s4,sp,a5
        addi    s1,s1,-976
        call    my_getchar
        add     s6,s5,s0
        sb      a0,784(s6)
        call    my_getchar
        call    __floatsidf
        mv      a2,s2
        mv      a3,s3
        call    __muldf3
        call    __truncdfsf2
        slli    a5,s0,2
        add     a5,s4,a5
        fsw     fa0,-192(a5)
        addi    s0,s0,1
        lbu     a4,784(s6)
        fcvt.s.w        fa5,a4
        flw     fa4,-192(a5)
        fadd.s  fa5,fa5,fa4
        fadd.s  fs0,fs0,fa5
        bne     s0,s1,.L2
        li      t0,16384
        addi    t0,t0,-816
        add     sp,sp,t0
        fcvt.w.s a0,fs0,rtz
        flw     fs0,44(sp)
        cm.popret       {ra, s0-s6}, 80

FAIL: gcc.target/riscv/rv32i_zcmp.c   -Os   check-function-bodies test1

Would  it be OK if we made the regex accept any s[0-9] register (or would it be better if it was [1-9])?
Proposed change:
I'd think your proposed change would be fine.

[1] It was one of these commits:
Almost certainly the regsiter allocator change.


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