On Thu, 6 Sep 2012, James Lemke wrote:

> Attached are the patches for this gcc port.
> On a recent checkout (r191027) I have run the DejaGNU suite with no new
> failures for binutils, gas, ld, gcc, g++, gfortran.  A bootstrap is in
> progress.

The -t* options added duplicate -mcpu= options; the only existing 
precedent appears to be arm-vxworks and I don't think the options are 
appropriate for generic PowerPC target files (not specific to an OS port 
such as VxWorks with its own special selection of multilibs).  Instead, it 
would be better to make the -mcpu= options imply appropriate other 

They also aren't mentioned in invoke.texi at all; all new options need 
documenting in invoke.texi.  The only change to invoke.texi is listing 
-mvle and -mno-vle in the initial option summary.  The main section of 
PowerPC options documentation needs the actual substantive documentation 
of the semantics of -mvle added; just the summary isn't enough.

How did any target using eabivle.h manage to build when it uses 
MASK_NEW_MNEMONICS, which no longer exists?  Maybe this separate target 
isn't needed at all....

Wouldn't it be better for longlong.h to have actual support for VLE rather 
than just disabling the present code, or is such support much harder to do 
than the present code?  (Using built-in functions, e.g. __builtin_clz if 
that expands inline for VLE, is fine.)

Joseph S. Myers

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