On 12/30/12 01:42, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> Not my territory anymore, but it looks much better!  CCing Bruce.

Hi Alexandre,

Long time.  It's no wonder you've forgotten this little world! :)

Anyway, please make the expressions more readable and strip
out the generated text from the review message.

Readability guidance:  indent text and break lines logically.
Consider "here-strings".  e.g. not:

    c_fix_arg = "# ifdef __SSE_MATH__\n%0\n"
    "# else\n%1__asm__ __volatile__ (\"fdiv %%%%st, %%%%st(0); fwait\"\n"
    "%1\t\t\t: \"=t\" (__f) : \"0\" (__f));\n"
    "# endif";


    c_fix_arg = "# ifdef __SSE_MATH__\n%0\n"
                "# else\n"
                "%1__asm__ __volatile__ (\"fdiv %%%%st, %%%%st(0); fwait\"\n"
                "%1\t\t\t: \"=t\" (__f) : \"0\" (__f));\n"
                "# endif";

or even better:

    c_fix_arg = <<- _EOText_
        # ifdef __SSE_MATH__\n
        # else
        %1__asm__ __volatile__ ("fdiv %%%%st, %%%%st(0); fwait"
        %1                      "=t" (__f) : "0" (__f));
        # endif

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