> Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 18:20:50 +0200
> From: David Brown via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org>
> > Adding a flag to a Makefile is infinitely easier than fixing old
> > sources in a way that they produce the same machine code.
> The suggestion has been - always - that support for old syntaxes be 
> retained.  But that flag should be added to the makefiles of the 0.01% 
> of projects that need it because they have old code - not the 99.99% of 
> projects that are written (or updated) this century.

Percents don't count when you are the one who is in trouble.

> > Exactly.  We cannot reasonably expect that a compiler which needs to
> > support 50 years of legacy code to be as safe as a compiler for a
> > language invented yesterday afternoon.  People who want a safe
> > programming environment should not choose C as their first choice.
> We cannot expect a /language/ with a 50 year history to be as safe as a 
> modern one.  But we can expect a /compiler/ released /today/ to be as 
> safe as it can be made /today/.

Not if the compiler should support legacy code, we can't.

Anyway, we are repeating ourselves.

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