
I am seeing an address error exception caused by the gcc optimizer -O1.

I have narrowed it down to the following function:

static void varcopy(PVAR *pvar1, PVAR *pvar2) {

Being the sizeof(PVAR) 160 bytes.

The exception is caused on an sd instruction when the input is not
aligned on a doubleword boundary.

I was under the assumption that the compiler made sure that it doesn't
store a doubleword that is not aligned on a doubleword boundary. Is
this a bug in the optimizer?

I am using a gcc mips64 cross-compiler,

mips64-linux-gnu-gcc (GCC) 3.3-mips64linux-031001

Has anyone experienced this problem before?



For reference,

The resulting code without optimizing is:

81024534 <varcopy>:
81024534:    27bdffd0     addiu    sp,sp,-48
81024538:    ffbf0020     sd    ra,32(sp)
8102453c:    ffbe0018     sd    s8,24(sp)
81024540:    ffbc0010     sd    gp,16(sp)
81024544:    03a0f02d     move    s8,sp
81024548:    3c010009     lui    at,0x9
8102454c:    242108dc     addiu    at,at,2268
81024550:    0039e02d     daddu    gp,at,t9
81024554:    afc40000     sw    a0,0(s8)
81024558:    afc50004     sw    a1,4(s8)
8102455c:    8fc40000     lw    a0,0(s8)
81024560:    8fc50004     lw    a1,4(s8)
81024564:    240600a0     li    a2,160
81024568:    8f99bd08     lw    t9,-17144(gp)
8102456c:    0320f809     jalr    t9
81024570:    00000000     nop
81024574:    03c0e82d     move    sp,s8
81024578:    dfbf0020     ld    ra,32(sp)
8102457c:    dfbe0018     ld    s8,24(sp)
81024580:    dfbc0010     ld    gp,16(sp)
81024584:    03e00008     jr    ra
81024588:    27bd0030     addiu    sp,sp,48

While the optimized code is:

8101b9d8 <varcopy>:
8101b9d8:    24a200a0     addiu    v0,a1,160
8101b9dc:    00000000     nop
8101b9e0:    dca30000     ld    v1,0(a1)
8101b9e4:    dca60008     ld    a2,8(a1)
8101b9e8:    dca70010     ld    a3,16(a1)
8101b9ec:    dca80018     ld    a4,24(a1)
8101b9f0:    fc830000     sd    v1,0(a0)
8101b9f4:    fc860008     sd    a2,8(a0)
8101b9f8:    fc870010     sd    a3,16(a0)
8101b9fc:    fc880018     sd    a4,24(a0)
8101ba00:    24a50020     addiu    a1,a1,32
8101ba04:    14a2fff6     bne    a1,v0,8101b9e0 <varcopy+0x8>
8101ba08:    24840020     addiu    a0,a0,32
8101ba0c:    03e00008     jr    ra
8101ba10:    00000000     nop
8101ba14:    00000000     nop

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