On Wed, 2007-09-26 at 08:11 +0800, 吴曦 wrote:
> Truly thanks, I have discovered this problem after I sent the first
> mail, and I found itanium1.md and itanium2.md describe the pipeline
> hazard, but they are really complex... :-(. Is there any guide or docs
> on this? thanks

There is Itanium microarchitecture documentation available from Intel,
and there is general DFA documentation available in the gcc docs.
However, there is no documentation specifically for the itanium dfa
descriptions.  You just have to spend a lot of time looking at them, and
eventually they start to make sense.  By the way, I didn't write them,
and fortunately haven't had to modify them yet.  Hopefully I never will.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support, http://www.specifix.com

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