Robert C. Seacord wrote:

I will update the CERT C Secure Coding rule with a list of compilers, once we complete a fact check. Chad is responsible for updating the vul note, so I'll need to discuss this with him.


Specifically with regards to MSVC 2005, I thought Chad had already checked this and found that it did not exhibit this behavior. I just tested the following program.

I should clarify that I didn't personally do the test with MSVC -- or the other compilers mentioned. (I tried to suggest that in the wording of my email, but I should have been more explicit.) I was reporting information that had been given to me.

#include <stdio.h>

void f(char *buf)  {
 unsigned int len = len = 0xFFFFFF00;

 if (buf+len < buf) puts("true");


That's a little different that my test case, in that in your case len is unsigned. Your case should make the optimization easier for the compiler to do, not harder -- but it would be worth trying with signed int. I'd also eliminate the double-assignment to "len". My test case was:

  int f(char *buf, int len) {
    len = 1 << 30;
    if (buf + len < buf)
      return 1;
    return 0;

which is what the person who emailed me about MSVC tested. I did include the optimization flags they used in that email; they appeared in a comment in the MSVC output. I don't know what those flags mean, though; I'm not an expert on MSVC usage.


Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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