On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:19:52PM +0100, Vincent R. wrote:
> 00011000 <WinMainCRTStartup>:
>    11000:     e92d40f0        push    {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
>    11004:     e1a04000        mov     r4, r0
>    11008:     e1a05001        mov     r5, r1
>    1100c:     e1a06002        mov     r6, r2
>    11010:     e1a07003        mov     r7, r3

> 00011000 <WinMainCRTStartup>:
>    11000:     e92d4010        push    {r4, lr}
>    11004:     e1a04000        mov     r4, r0
>    11008:     e24dd00c        sub     sp, sp, #12     ; 0xc
>    1100c:     e58d1008        str     r1, [sp, #8]
>    11010:     e58d2004        str     r2, [sp, #4]
>    11014:     e58d3000        str     r3, [sp]

Notice how many more registers used to be pushed?  I expect the new
code is faster.

> Maybe my remark is not relevant because I didn't try to do some benchmark

If you find any code that *runs* slower, please report it as a bug in

Daniel Jacobowitz

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