Joern Rennecke wrote:

>> And if we need
>> more (as I suspect), can we be specific about what toolflow we want to
>> follow and what content will be generated?  It would help if I could
>> show RMS inputs and outputs, not just with some random example, but with
>> GCC itself.  Is someone willing to apply enough effort to produce at
>> least some fragments of documentation using some method, and document
>> that method for me, so that I can provide it to RMS.
> See:

OK, I see what that is doing.  Why did you choose to use a .def file
rather than something more like Doxygen to generate the documentation?
Consistency with existing practice of .def files in GCC?  Or you don't
like Doxygen-like tools?  Or something else?  (I'm not making a judgment
here, but I need to understand why so that I can explain things to RMS.)

> Search for GPL and/or GFDL for a sample of things that we currently
> can't fix due to licensing issues.

I'm happy to act as an advocate, but I don't have the time to do a lot
of research.  Would you please describe the steps and provide the inputs
and outputs of the process for some of these issues?  I want to able to
show RMS an actual input file, an actual output file, and describe the
transformation process that leads from one to the other.


Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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