On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 09:48:24PM -0500, Quentin Neill wrote:
> > On the other hand, I'm not going to argue that it's a lot of work.

Missing "not" !

> When you say "put assertions in the assembler output" I understood it
> to mean "in the assembly source code output by the compiler", not "the
> output produced by the assembler".


> Does this qualify as a form of what you are suggesting?  Because this
> is exactly what is being proposed:
> .balign 8                  # start window
>     insn op, op          # 67 67 XX YY ZZ  - padded with 2 prefixes to make 8
>     insn2 op, op        # AA BB CC
> .padalign 8              # window boundary
>     insn4 op
>     . . .

No, this is quite different.  These are directives that tell the
assembler to make changes.  I'm talking about assertions, not
directives.  Something like this:

  mov r0, r1 @ [length 2]
  add ip, lr, ip @ [length 4]
  mov r0, r1 @ [length 4] <-- assembler error 'insn has length 2'

GCC can output length information, but it is never exact, and it is
not in a form recognized by the assembler.

On x86, I have no idea how this would work.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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