On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Ralf Wildenhues <ralf.wildenh...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Is there a way to rerun only failed tests after a 'make -k check'?
> If not, should there be, and how would one go about implementing this
> (I know the makefile parts but not the dejagnu bits).
> Asking because it could help speed up patch development:
> 1) hack hack hack
> 2) make -k check-$whatever
> 3) go back to (1) until satisfactory
> 4) git commit patch, undo patch in work tree, rebuild
> 5) run 'make recheck' to ensure all new failures were already old.
> This doesn't satisfy patch submission rules, but for patch series
> development it might, in stages before actually submitting.
> Thanks,
> Ralf

I know there's a way to run a specific exp file, and a specific test
from that file:


Something like that.

That's not entirely what you want, though.

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