On 10/14/2010 3:31 AM, Duncan Sands wrote:
Hi Luke,

a-exexpr.adb:39:06: "Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Propagation" is not a
predefined library unit

it looks like you get this error when the compiler can't find a file that it
thinks forms part of the Ada library (this is determined by the name, eg: a
package Ada.XYZ is expected to be part of the Ada library).  For example,
if the compiler looks for the spec of Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Propagation
(which should be called a-exexpr.ads) but can't find it then you will get
this message.  At least, that's my understanding from a few minutes of
rummaging around in the source code.

You are not allowed to add new children or grandchildren to the Ada
hierarchy. Only the implementor can do this, and it must be done
following all the implementation rules (impunit entry, use -gnatg
to compile etc).

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