On Wed, 24 Oct 2012, Paulo Matos wrote:

> Are these changes to handling of TEXT_SECTION_ASM_OP interesting for 
> GCC? If they are I will look further into improving the code and turning 
> it into a patch.

Conversions of target macros to hooks are generally of interest.

I don't think we want a stream-of-consciousness sequence of messages about 
successive aspects of the issue.  Rather, when you are ready, send to 
gcc-patches a patch (or patch series) with a thorough self-contained 
analysis of the issue, the approach your patch uses to tackle it and the 
rationale for that approach.  Explain in your message what 
TEXT_SECTION_ASM_OP is, what its semantics are, how it relates to the 
mechanisms for section selection in GCC, how it is used in different parts 
of GCC and how your patch cleans things up and addresses identified issues 
around this macro.

Joseph S. Myers

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