On 10/11/2012 3:51 PM, Dennis Clarke wrote:
Eric wrote:
Any pointers at all as to the error of my ways ?
You're up against three factors here. First, the sparc64 platform ABI
specifies 32-bit executables unless the user specifically asks for
64-bit. I'm really unclear on why you think that's a bad thing (spacv9
It isn't.
Then why is it bad to have a 32-bit gcc? I'm really confused now.

I've had a 32-bit gcc producing 64-bit binaries without complaint on a Niagara II machine for about three years now. Recent versions of gcc aren't even hard to bring up any more. All the stuff I wrote in my email was about not doing the easy way, and instead bootstrapping a gcc that is itself a 64-bit binary and produces only 64-bit executables.

<snipped detailed rant>

To make a long story short, it is a drag to deal wwith such crap when I just 
want a compiler that looks like, walks like and acts like the one in my RHEL 6 
workstation at home.
The only difference I've noticed with a stock sparc-solaris gcc is that thread-local storage is dog slow (blame the ABI) and dbx usually can't handle dwarf debug info correctly. I've actually had *far* more multilib pain from linux over the years than solaris. Plus, most multilib pain I have suffered in Solaris was due to autotools projects from the linux world insisting on dropping 64-bit libraries in $PREFIX/lib instead of $PREFIX/lib/sparcv9. I've never even heard of half the stuff you mentioned ($ISALIST mumble mumble, version needed mumble mumble), and yet multilib development has somehow been working all right so far.

<snipped some more>

So I have a whole pile of GNU stuff on my production nice shiney new Niagara 
Sparc server and I can not find a reason to care about 32-bit anything.
So why not try a full 64-bit GNU toolchain?
... because it's an awful lot of work for something you claim not to care about?

CC='cc -m64' CXX='CC -m64' ../gmp-5.0.1-src/configure
--prefix=$HOME/apps/gcc-4.7.2 --build=sparc64-sun-solaris2.10
CC='cc -m64' CXX='CC -m64' ../mpfr-3.1.1-src/configure
--prefix=$HOME/apps/gcc-4.7.2 --build=sparc64-sun-solaris2.10
--disable-shared --with-gmp=$HOME/apps/gcc-4.7.2
CC='cc -m64' CXX='CC -m64' ../mpc-0.8.2-src/configure
--prefix=$HOME/apps/gcc-4.7.2 --build=sparc64-sun-solaris2.10
--disable-shared --with-{gmp,mpfr}=$HOME/apps/gcc-4.7.2
CC='cc -m64' CXX='CC -m64' ../gcc-4.7.2-src/configure
--prefix=$HOME/apps/gcc-4.7.2 --build=sparc64-sun-solaris2.10
--disable-multilib --with-{gmp,mpfr,mpc}=$HOME/apps/gcc-4.7.2

$ file $HOME/apps/gcc-4.7.2/bin/gcc
gcc:   ELF 64-bit MSB executable SPARCV9 Version 1, dynamically
not stripped, no debugging information available
nice !

$ $HOME/apps/gcc-4.7.2/bin/gcc hello.c
$ file ./a.out
a.out:          ELF 64-bit MSB executable SPARCV9 Version 1,
linked, not stripped, no debugging information available
yeah but a 32-bit gcc can do that just fine.
You said you didn't want a 32-bit gcc, that having 32-bit anything around was a liability. Hence the directions to make a purely 64-bit one.

<snipped yet more stuff>

been there .. done that .. over and over.
(linker errors involving alloca)
- Build the support libs with --disable-shared to avoid strange
TLS-related loader errors
- Disable -g to avoid linker errors mentioning R_SPARC_UA32 and
.rela.debug_info during stage 3
I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that this won't be easy to do .. but I'll 
keep hacking at it.
I don't think you understand: I used the above configury incantation to bring up, from scratch, a purely 64-bit gcc that produces 64-bit binaries by default. Today. On a Niagara II machine. No 32-bit ELF files anywhere. Hence the delay in responding and the notes about gotchas I encountered along the way.

If that's not what you were looking for, what is?


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