On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Chassin <chas...@ceis.cujae.edu.cu> wrote:
i am going slowly i started with gcc flow , data structure and passes .As
Java is my best language , i am dealing with advanced c / c++ learning curve
at same time , one of my targets now is understanding the cgraph data
structure and be able to instrument it .
i would like to be able to
1- remove a cgraph_node completely from the application
2- remove , insert edges between cgraph_nodes
3- insert new cgraph_node
can you pleas guide me throw the process of learning ?

The tasks do not make sense from a program transformation point of view.
You can certainly operate on the cgraph like that but it will have no effect
on the resulting program.


48 Aniversario del Instituto Superior Politecnico Jose Antonio Echeverria, Cujae
Una obra de la Revolucion Cubana | 2 de diciembre de 1964 | http://cujae.edu.cu

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