On 10/16/2016 08:58 PM, lhmouse wrote:
Hi there,

I come up with an idea about implementing stack unwinding for
the i686-w64-mingw32 target using native Windows Structured
Exception Handling (a.k.a SEH) for efficiency reasons.

Unlike DWARF and SEH for x64, SEH for x86 is stack-based
and works like the SJLJ exception model: The operating system
keeps a thread specific pointer to an SEH node on the stack
that must be installed/uninstalled during run time.

The SEH-head pointer is stored in `fs:[0]`.
Typecially, an SEH handler is installed like this, in Intel syntax:

    #   filter_function(
    #     EXCEPTION_RECORD *record, void *establisher_frame,
    #     CONTEXT *machine_context, void *dispatcher_context)
    #   __attribute__((__cdecl__));
    # struct x86_seh_node_header {
    #   struct x86_seh_node_header *next;
    #   filter_function *filter;
    #   char extra_data[];
    # };

    sub esp, 8                  # struct x86_seh_node_header this_node;
    mov ecx, dword ptr fs:[0]   #
    mov dword ptr[esp], ecx     # this_node.next = get_thread_seh_head();
    mov dword ptr[esp + 4], offset my_seh_filter
                                # this_node.filter = &my_seh_filter
    mov dword ptr fs:[0], esp   # set_thread_seh_head(&this_node);

Before the function exits and its frame is destroyed, the node
must be uninstalled like this:

    mov ecx, dword ptr fs:[0]   #
    mov dword ptr fs:[0], ecx   # set_thread_seh_head(this_node.next);

Since I am looking at the SJLJ exception model and it seems using
a slim, inlined version of `setjmp()` with `__builtin_longjmp()`
that only stores 3 or 4 pointers, extending that structure should be
a simple matter. The problem is that, installation and uninstallation
of SEH nodes require target-specific ASM code generation.

Is it possible to do in 'gcc/except.c' ?
I wouldn't do this solely in gcc/except.c.

I'd probably create a new exception handling model and conditionalize whatever code you need based on that. Emission of code for that new exception model would likely require some amount of target specific code called via target hooks.


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