On 17/10/17 00:19, Nathan Sidwell wrote:
> On 10/16/2017 07:06 AM, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
>> On 16 October 2017 at 08:25, Ramón García wrote:
>>> ping
>> As previously stated, nobody is working on it.
> Not because nobody cares, but because of lack of time against higher
> priority things.

Out of curiosity, is there a publicly available summary of the features
being prioritised and actively developed?  There is a wiki page and a
development plan:


This has some (planned) timing information, but not planned features.

There is the list of development branches at
<https://gcc.gnu.org/svn.html#devbranches>, but it is not easy to guess
from that what features can be expected in the near future.

I could see from that page that you are working on C++ Modules, which is
very nice (and, IMHO, a higher priority than Coroutines).

I realise it is very difficult to be sure of what features will be ready
and working, and that the gcc developers have more than enough on their
"things to do" lists.  It must be particularly challenging when the
target is a moving, such as for proposed future C++ features like modules.

But if there is such a list of features under current development, I am
sure it would be of interest to users and of help to other developers.

And then I could see when to expect C++ metaclasses :-)

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