On 7 February 2018 at 16:36, Simon Marchi wrote:
> On 2018-02-07 11:26, Michael Matz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, 7 Feb 2018, Simon Marchi wrote:
>>> This addresses the issue of how to do good software design in GDB to
>>> support different producers cleanly, but I think we have some issues
>>> even before that, like how to support g++ 7.3 and up.  I'll try to
>>> summarize the issue quickly. It's now possible to end up with two
>>> templated classes with the same name that differ only by the signedness
>>> of their non-type template parameter.  One is Foo<int N> and the other
>>> is Foo<unsigned int N> (the 10 is unsigned).  Until 7.3, g++ would
>>> generate names like Foo<10> for the former and names like Foo<10u> for
>>> the later (in the DW_AT_name attribute of the classes' DIEs). Since 7.3,
>>> it produces Foo<10> for both.
>> Yeah, gdb needs a way to lookup types by name, and since the change
>> DW_AT_name can't be used for this anymore.  Either that needs to be
>> fixed/reverted, or we do the more obvious thing: since types in C++ have
>> linkage it makes sense to add the linkage (i.e. mangled) name to the types
>> DIE using the traditional DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name.
>> That latter solution would have the advantage that you don't need to
>> demangle anything anymore.  From vtable you get to typeinfo, from there
>> for typeinfo name, and that contains the mangled type name (without _Z
>> prefix).
> But do struct/classes have mangled names?


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