Hi, I'm totally blind. I do most of my programming in BASIC, but I use C++
now and then, actually, for drawing fractals.  I code graphics.  I've been
using Dev-C++ because it's the only thing I can find compatible with my
screen reader.  I don't like how I can't set up a char array bigger than
1400 by 1400  as I might want to make a fractal bigger than that.  I have
the computer fill an array with the fractal data for colors, and then it
writes a bitmap file with the data and I can access that through BASIC or
just show it to a friend.  All Dev-C lets me do for array size is 1400 by
1400 in an array, and that's using chars.  I'd use Booleans, but I need to
include color data for each pixel.  I wonder if GCC would be better with
that.  I also need to knowk, please, how and where to download GCC, the
latest version.  I'm not finding info on that.  In addition, when I run the
dev-c++ programs from bASIC, a window comes up on the screen saying so. Is
there a way, in GCC, to prevent that? 



Ray McAllister. 


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