On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 1:38 AM Julius Werner <jwer...@chromium.org> wrote:

> Hi,

> I'm a firmware/embedded engineer and frequently run into cases where
> certain parts of the code need to be placed in a special memory area (for
> example, because the area that contains the other code is not yet
> initialized or currently inaccessible). My go-to method to solve this is
> mark all functions and globals used by this code with
> __attribute__((section)), and using a linker script to map those special
> sections to the desired area. This mostly works pretty well.

> However, I just found an issue with this when the functions include local
> variables like this:

>    const int some_array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

> In this case (and with -Os optimization), GCC seems to automatically
> reserve some space in the .rodata section to place the array, and the
> generated code accesses it there. Of course this breaks my use case if the
> generic .rodata section is inaccessible while that function executes. I
> have not found any way to work around this without either rewriting the
> code to completely avoid those constructs, or manipulating sections
> manually at the linker level (in particular, you can't just mark the array
> itself with __attribute__((section)), since that attribute is not legal
> locals).

> Is this intentional, and if so, does it make sense that it is? I can
> understand that it may technically be compliant with the description of
> __attribute__((section)) in the GCC manual -- but I think the use case I'm
> trying to solve is one of the most common uses of that attribute, and it
> seems to become completely impossible due to this. Wouldn't it make more
> sense and be more useful if __attribute__((section)) meant "place
> *everything* generated as part of this function source code into that
> section"? Or at least offer some sort of other extension to be able to
> control section placement for those special constants? (Note that GCC
> usually seems to place constants for individual variables in the text
> section, simply behind the epilogue of the function... so it's also quite
> unclear to me why arrays get treated differently at all.)

> Apart from this issue, this behavior also seems to "break"
> -ffunction-sections/-fdata-sections. Even with both of those set, these
> sorts of constants seem to get placed into the same big, common .rodata
> section (as opposed to either .text.functionname or .rodata.functionname
> you'd expect). That means that they won't get collected when linking the
> binary with --gc-sections and will bloat the code size for projects that
> link a lot of code opportunistically and rely on --gc-sections to drop
> everything that's not needed for the current configuration.

> Is there some clever trick that I missed to work around this, or is this
> really not possible with the current GCC? And if so, would you agree that
> this is a valid problem that GCC should provide a solution for (in some
> form or another)?

I think you are asking for per-function constant pool sections.  Because
we generally cannot avoid the need of a constant pool and dependent
on the target that is always global.  Note with per-function constant
pools you will not benefit from constant pool entry merging across
functions.  I'm also not aware of any non-target-specific (and thus not
implemented on some targets) option to get these.


> Thanks,
> Julius

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