Hi -

> >I was thinking we might be able to trick pipermail (the web archiver
> >component) to simply name the message web urls after some function of
> >the message-id instead of the sequence number.  Will give this a try
> >very shortly.
> I just want to go on record as saying that I think this is a bad idea.
> We can fix this problem simply without redesigning pipermail.

If the idea requires more than a dozenish lines of code, then I agree
it's not worth doing.  "redesigning" - indeed no thanks.

> The problem that we're seeing is caused by a script that I wrote to
> migrate ezmlm to mailman.  The fix for the problem is "Don't run
> that script".

Yeah, but that is the official mailman2 method for this.  Spam/malware
that gets through can sit in multiple locations unless we clean it out
in the proper thorough manner, through the entire pipeline (which
starts with the mbox files).  Not super keen on building much
complexity that operates on all the intermediate results and html

- FChE

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