On 11/16/20 7:55 PM, Maciej W. Rozycki wrote:
On Mon, 16 Nov 2020, Jonathan Wakely wrote:

ipython is irrelevant to the mklog.py script, which doesn't use it.
It's what Martin was using on the command-line, but is not actually
relevant to the issue at hand.

  I am aware of that, what's the point discussing this stuff?  It wasn't me
who started with ipython.

In [1]: from unidiff import PatchSet

In [2]: unidiff.VERSION
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-049af7d22b51> in <module>()
----> 1 unidiff.VERSION

NameError: name 'unidiff' is not defined

You only imported unidiff.PatchSet, not unidiff.VERSION. Either import
that, or the whole of unidiff.

  I wasn't told to.


I've just pushed fix that supports unidiff 0.5.4.

  FWIW I don't intend to study Python programming on this occassion as I'm
quite happy with the programming languages I have already learnt by now,
including many flavours of assembly, thank you very much.  I would rather
leave Python-fu to other people.

Without ipython:

echo 'import unidiff ; print(unidiff.VERSION)' | python3


$ echo 'import unidiff ; print(unidiff.VERSION)' | python3


$ echo 'import unidiff ; print(unidiff.VERSION)' | python3

respectively, but I wrote it twice already in previous messages, including
the original one.  I now feel like talking to a call centre. :(

The contrib/mklog.py script requires Python 3, which doesn't seem
unreasonable in 2020. Its shebang makes that clear:
/usr/bin/env python3

  Again, what's the point discussing it?  Let's keep to the facts and those
are that the script does not work with my system which is not unreasonably
old (released last Sep for unidiff 0.5.4; Jan 2019 for unidiff 0.5.2) or
odd (a standard Debian distribution).

No, 0.5.4 was released in May 2017 and 0.5.2 in February 2016 ([1]).
That said, it's reasonable old.

  Either the script needs to be fixed (and I did post a suggestion; maybe
either syntax works with a later version of unidiff? -- as I say I am no
Python expert), preferably, to support systems like mine out of the box,
or to do whatever dance is required to report any unmet requirements so
as not to confuse people.

  Thank you for your input anyway.



[1] https://github.com/matiasb/python-unidiff/releases

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