
On Fri, 14 Jan 2022, Martin Liška wrote:

> Hello.
> I'm working on a testsuite clean-up where some of the files are wrongly named.
> More precisely, so files have .cc extension and should use .C. However there's
> existing C test-case and it leads to:
> marxin@marxinbox:~/Programming/gcc/gcc/testsuite> find . -name test-asm.*
> ./jit.dg/test-asm.C
> ./jit.dg/test-asm.c

You can't have that, the check is correct.  There are filesystems (NTFS 
for instance) that are case-preserving but case-insensitive, on those you 
really can't have two files that differ only in casing.  You need to find 
a different solution, either consistently use .cc instead of .C, live with 
the inconsistency or rename the base name of these files.


> test-kunlun me/rename-testsuite-files
> Enumerating objects: 804, done.
> Counting objects: 100% (804/804), done.
> Delta compression using up to 16 threads
> Compressing objects: 100% (242/242), done.
> Writing objects: 100% (564/564), 142.13 KiB | 7.48 MiB/s, done.
> Total 564 (delta 424), reused 417 (delta 295), pack-reused 0
> remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (424/424), completed with 222 local objects.
> remote: *** The following filename collisions have been detected.
> remote: *** These collisions happen when the name of two or more files
> remote: *** differ in casing only (Eg: "hello.txt" and "Hello.txt").
> remote: *** Please re-do your commit, chosing names that do not collide.
> remote: ***
> remote: ***     Commit: 7297e1de9bed96821d2bcfd034bad604ce035afb
> remote: ***     Subject: Rename tests in jit sub-folder.
> remote: ***
> remote: *** The matching files are:
> remote: ***
> remote: ***     gcc/testsuite/jit.dg/test-quadratic.C
> remote: ***     gcc/testsuite/jit.dg/test-quadratic.c
> remote: ***
> remote: ***     gcc/testsuite/jit.dg/test-switch.C
> remote: ***     gcc/testsuite/jit.dg/test-switch.c
> remote: ***
> remote: ***     gcc/testsuite/jit.dg/test-asm.C
> remote: ***     gcc/testsuite/jit.dg/test-asm.c
> remote: ***
> remote: ***     gcc/testsuite/jit.dg/test-alignment.C
> remote: ***     gcc/testsuite/jit.dg/test-alignment.c
> Can we please do something about it?
> Thanks,
> Martin

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