On Thu, Jul 28 2022 at 02:46:58 PM -0400, David Malcolm via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:
Is there documentation on setting up text editors to work with our
coding style?  A lot of the next generation of developers aren't using
vi or emacs; they's using VS Code, CLion, and other editors.  Does
anyone have docs on e.g. how to set up VS Code, CLion, etc (IntelliJ ?)
to work well on GCC's own code base.  FWIW I use Emacs; I've dabbed
with VS Code but haven't used it "for real".

I did prepare my first patch(es) with vscode. For debugging, I set up vscode to launch gcc with gdbserver as wrapper and then let the vscode debugger to connect to the gdbserver. At first, I tried to get the gnu coding style to work in the hacky way by using tabSize=8 and rebinding tab to 2 spaces but later ditched that because it bothered me more than doing just spaces and replacing 8 spaces with 1 tab before sending the patch. That still wastes time because all files that I didn't touch look ugly unless I temporarily change the tabSize and some comments don't use tabs so I can't just replace all 8 spaces with 1 tab. For reference, my config files for gcc are available at [0].

- Tim

[0] https://gist.github.com/timll/1c4c542c7c98e3610c14aec19cdf7e91

I'm hoping to add this to my newbies guide.


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