I requested a bugzilla account a few days ago and haven't heard
back so I'm just going to report this here.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

bool add(uint8_t *r, const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b) {
  return __builtin_add_overflow(*a, *b, r);

bool mul(uint8_t *r, const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b) {
  return __builtin_mul_overflow(*a, *b, r);

int main() {
  uint8_t x;

  /* 64 + 64 should not overflow */
  x = 64;
  if (add(&x, &x, &x))
    printf("false positive: x=%i\n", x);

  /* 4 * 4 should not overflow */
  x = 4;
  if (mul(&x, &x, &x))
    printf("false positive: x=%i\n", x);

  /* 128 + 128 should overflow */
  x = 128;
  if (!add(&x, &x, &x))
    printf("false negative: x=%i\n", x);

  /* 16 * 16 should overflow */
  x = 16;
  if (!mul(&x, &x, &x))
    printf("false negative: x=%i\n", x);

  return 0;

$ gcc -g3 -O1 -o test test.c; ./test
false positive: x=128
false positive: x=16
false negative: x=0
false negative: x=0

The generated assembly correctly adds a with b and stores in r but
then it does the operation again before testing for carry and
returning.  If r is also one of the operands then the erroneous
second operation will use the computed value of r in place of the
original operand leading to an incorrect overflow result.

0000000000400895 <add>:
;   return __builtin_add_overflow(*a, *b, r);
  400895: 0f b6 02                      movzbl  (%rdx), %eax
  400898: 02 06                         addb    (%rsi), %al
  40089a: 88 07                         movb    %al, (%rdi)
  40089c: 0f b6 02                      movzbl  (%rdx), %eax  <<
  40089f: 02 06                         addb    (%rsi), %al   <<
  4008a1: 0f 92 c0                      setb    %al
; }
  4008a4: c3                            retq

00000000004008a5 <mul>:
;   return __builtin_mul_overflow(*a, *b, r);
  4008a5: 0f b6 06                      movzbl  (%rsi), %eax
  4008a8: f6 22                         mulb    (%rdx)
  4008aa: 88 07                         movb    %al, (%rdi)
  4008ac: 0f b6 06                      movzbl  (%rsi), %eax  <<
  4008af: f6 22                         mulb    (%rdx)        <<
  4008b1: 0f 90 c0                      seto    %al
; }
  4008b4: c3                            retq

This only seems to be triggered when both a *and* b are const.
Removing const from either or both operands generates the correct

0000000000400855 <add>:
;   return __builtin_add_overflow(*a, *b, r);
  400855: 0f b6 02                      movzbl  (%rdx), %eax
  400858: 02 06                         addb    (%rsi), %al
  40085a: 88 07                         movb    %al, (%rdi)
  40085c: 0f 92 c0                      setb    %al
; }
  40085f: c3                            retq

0000000000400860 <mul>:
;   return __builtin_mul_overflow(*a, *b, r);
  400860: 0f b6 06                      movzbl  (%rsi), %eax
  400863: f6 22                         mulb    (%rdx)
  400865: 88 07                         movb    %al, (%rdi)
  400867: 0f 90 c0                      seto    %al
; }
  40086a: c3                            retq

Tested on the following systems:

$ uname -srm; gcc12 --version
FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 amd64
gcc12 (FreeBSD Ports Collection) 12.2.0

$ uname -smr; gcc --version
Linux 6.1.2-1-MANJARO-ARM aarch64
gcc (GCC) 12.1.0

$ uname -srm; gcc --version
MINGW64_NT-10.0-22000 3.4.5.x86_64 x86_64
gcc.exe (Rev10, Built by MSYS2 project) 12.2.0

Poking godbolt indicates this was likely introduced in 9.4.

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