
I got this to work on a different machine. Clearly something I have done on the original machine was causing a problem, or there are network connection problems I need to investigate.

This is how I set it up:

1. Install MS VC++ 2008 (9.00)

2. Obtain GDAL source

3. Run batch file to generate project file

 [gdal]/makegdal_gen 9.00 > makegdal90.vcproj

4. Open project file in MSVC, edit nmake.opt

- DODS_DIR: DODS_DIR = C:\opendap DODS_LIB = $(DODS_DIR)\lib\libdapMD.lib $(DODS_DIR)\lib\libdapclientMD.lib

5. Install the following from http://www.opendap.org/download/libdap++.html

  libdap_3.8.2.exe     - C:\opendap
OPeNDAP_Tools_1.1.exe - C:\opendap-tools
6. Copy the contents C:\opendap-tools\include directory to C:\opendap\include\

7. Restart Windows.

8. Build the project, check with tests:

gdalinfo "http://www.marine.csiro.au/dods/nph-dods/dods-data/climatology-netcdf/gordon_atlas.nc?temperature[y][x]";

gdalinfo "http://dods.jpl.nasa.gov/opendap/sea_surface_temperature/avhrr/pathfinder/data_v5/8day/descending/04km/2006/bsst/2006001-2006008.s0481pfv50-bsst.hdf?bsst[y][x]";

gdal_translate "http://dods.jpl.nasa.gov/opendap/sea_surface_temperature/avhrr/pathfinder/data_v5/8day/descending/04km/2006/bsst/2006001-2006008.s0481pfv50-bsst.hdf?bsst[y][x]"; out.tif -outsize 400 200

Thanks again for the help, and patience.

Regards, Mike.


Re: [gdal-dev] opendap on Windows
Michael Sumner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tue, 30 Sep 2008 15:21:31 +1000
[EMAIL PROTECTED], gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org

[EMAIL PROTECTED], gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org

I'm afraid that while it seems to build correctly there is a runtime error

"An unhandled Win32 exception occured in gdalinfo.exe"
I don't know how to proceed to figure this out. I've tried building GDAL
in release mode, and also without the /MD flag - but with the same
result. The access to other formats works fine regardless.

I'm using these dataset urls, both of which work on Linux:

Thanks for any help, Cheers, Mike.

==============Original message text===============
On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 8:13:46 +1000 "Christopher Condit" wrote:

Hi Mike-
Thank you for the feedback - I have tried copying the
headers into the libdap/include folder - and editing the top level
nmake.opt to DODS_DIR. There just were a number of unclear steps (for
me) so I'll go back and try again, then report back more completely. I
will provide the full steps if I ever succeed.
Here's my configuration:
DODS_DIR = C:\develop\lib\libdap3.8.2
DODS_LIB = $(DODS_DIR)\lib\libdapMD.lib

And then I added the includes from the "Tools" distribution to the
include dir (preserving the directory hierarchy). If you're still having
trouble building perhaps attach a copy of the errors from nmake. I'm
also using VS 2005.

I also gather that the instructions for MSVC  in the GDAL FAQ should
completed - I've only done the "atlbase.h" step as that seemed to
the build in general to finish. Any idea if the other steps would
impact the Opendap build?
As far as I know these instructions are for the "Express Edition". I
didn't have to make any changes to my VS installation.


===========End of original message text===========

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