
I think this is a defect.  Could you file a ticket on the issue?

Best regards,

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 6:22 AM, Andrew Loughhead
<> wrote:
> Does gdal_translate actually write values specified via -mo into the
> output NITF files?  It seems that metadata fields specified with
> -mo get put into the .aux.xml file, but not into the actual output NITF
> file.  For example:
> gdal_translate -of NITF -mo "NITF_FTITLE="myspecialvalue" infile.ntf
> outfile.ntf
> That seems to run, so I do gdalinfo on outfile.ntf.  Great, I get:
>  NITF_FTITLE=myspecialvalue
> But - when I take my NITF into software able to show headers (say, Erdas
> Imagine), the FTITLE header appears to be blank. On investigation, it
> appears that the run of gdalinfo outfile.ntf is actually just reporting
> the contents of outfile.ntf.aux.xml.  If I remove that file, and run
> gdalinfo outfile.ntf, I get a blank NITF_FTITLE!
> A few headers are getting written into the output NITF file, such as
> OSTAID, but even these appear to have hardcoded values, except for
> as put in the .aux.xml file. In the case of OSTAID my custom value
> gets put into outfile.ntf.aux.xml, and reported by gdalinfo. If
> I delete outfile.ntf.aux.xml, and rerun gdalinfo outfile.ntf, the
> value GDAL is reported.
> Any ideas or info?
> thanks
> Andrew.
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