
This should work.

Are you using an older GDAL version ? Are you using external libtiff ?

If so, try again with newer GDAL and internal libtiff (although I wouldn't 
older GDAL to fail on a simple case like yours that doesn't involve TIFF 

Le Thursday 18 June 2009 21:50:25 Dillabough, Craig, vous avez écrit :
> Hi,
> I am trying to tile and create overviews for a TIFF image dataset I
> have, but I keep getting strange errors when attempting to add
> overviews.
> 1st I created a copy of the original image (same format and all, but
> wanted to keep the original around in case I had problems).
> >gdal_translate -ot Float32 -of GTiff Av.MaxNDVI.2000.2009.Week.19.tif
> trans/week19.tif
> >cd trans
> Then I tiled the image (I guess I could have done this in one step by
> adding -co "TILED=YES" to the previous step):
> >gdal_translate -ot Float32 -of GTiff -co "TILED=YES" week19.tif
> week19_tiled.tif
> Then I tried to add the overviews:
> > gdaladdo -r average -ro week19_tiled.tif 2 4 8 16
> I get the following (I've added some whitespace for clarity):
> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...
> Warning 1: TIFFReadDirectory:week19_tiled.tif.ovr: Wrong
> "StripByteCounts" field,
> ignoring and calculating from imagelength
> Warning 1: TIFFReadDirectory:week19_tiled.tif.ovr: Wrong
> "StripByteCounts" field,
> ignoring and calculating from imagelength
> ERROR 1: week19_tiled.tif.ovr:DumpModeDecode: Not enough data for
> scanline 0
> ERROR 1: TIFFReadEncodedTile() failed.
> ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 3
> ERROR 1: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 3
> I get effectively the same error when I run this without the -ro option.
> Any idea's what is going wrong.
> Regards,
> Craig Dillabaugh
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