Mateusz Loskot wrote:
Joaquim Luis wrote:
Harsh Govind wrote:
And unlike previous versions (msvcrt71) you cannot copy over 8.0 versions dlls from somewhere to your application directory in order to make it work. The solution per Martin's suggestion is to install vcredist.exe.

Excuse the ingenuity, but than why build GDAL with MSVC > 2003?
Why introducing this pain? What is the gain?

One could ask why to build GDAL using GCC 3.x+ ?
It's perfectly valid to ask users to install re-distributable
package of C/C++ Run Time libraries as it is valid to
ask for version 5 or 6 of libc.

Fortunately I build my own binaries so I can chose the level of pain.

Joaquim Luis
gdal-dev mailing list

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