Riki Tiki wrote:

Phase 1) let's assume i convert the geotiff -> "file1.tif" to ascii grid file -> "file2.txt"... Phase 2) later on i change some of the values of file2.txt, now i want to again convert the file2.txt (with changed data part...) to geotiff with the projection information of file1.tif... Can you help me to work around this phase?


What type of modifications you want to do on the .tif file?
It would be easier if they can be done with a tool that does not imply format 

When you convert to ascii, in what format will the data be?
The fact that it is in ascii doesn't imply that it hasn't a format.

If the ascii file is on the form (x, y, z) you'll have to regrid it again in 
convert it back to, for instance, geotiff. In the GDAL world that is done by 

Joaquim luis
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