
I normally restrain to propose GMT solutions here, but I'll open one more exception now as this problem seams easy to solve with it and also because I have o idea how to do it with GDAL. For this, if your grids are not in netCDF, you will need a GMT built with GDAL support (I have one for Windows in Mirone's download page)

Use grd2xyz to construct a x,y,z (lon,lat,val) that will be instantaneously "georeferenced"

# Below the '=gd' is not part of the file's name but instead the instruction to direct GMT to use GDAL to read the grids
# No need for this if grids are netCDF
grd2xyz grid_withd_data=gd -Z > val.z
grd2xyz grid_withd_lon=gd -Z > lon.x
grd2xyz grid_withd_lat=gd -Z > lat.y

# Now paste the 3 columns
paste lon.x lat.y val.z >

Probably at this point you will need to interpolate the "" file to create a new grid as the lon & lats are likely not north-south aligned (satellite data?) and not equispaced.

Joaquim Luis


I've used GDAL a few times but this is the first time that I'm lost on what I can do with GDAL to solve my problem. I have 3 separate files, one with my data, other with Lattitude and another with Longitude. They have the same size and, as an example, it means that Pixel (1,1) of data is located in latitude retrieved from Pixel (1,1) from latitude and longitude (pixel (1,1) from longitude). All of them are in WGS84 but without GCP's points. I need to create a georreferenced/rectified Geotiff with this data and, to do that, I need lat and Long. How can I do this?


Best regards,
Luisa Peña
S.Paulo, Brazil

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