
It seams to work now. I say "seams" because with podofo it also requires to have available "pdftoppm"

gdal_translate lixo.pdf lixo.tiff
Input file size is 1239, 1754
0'pdftoppm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

but since your fix to build with poppler 0.14 works just fine again and this doesn't oblige to carry any other 3rth prog I'm staying within this solution.

Thanks again


On 12-07-2011 12:20, Even Rouault wrote:
Le mardi 12 juillet 2011 12:59:31, Joaquim Luis a écrit :

I am still having troubles with a build with PDF support. I used to have
a working solution for my gdalread MEX by using poppler 0.14, however
now GDAL gives an error when linking with it (something about a member
that does not exist).
Error at compile time about fillGooString() missing, with a very recent trunk ? If so, I've just fixed it when testing compilation on CentOS 6 that ships with
poppler 0.12.4.


So I turned again to 0.16 and managed to compile
everything. But now Matlab just crash when I read a pdf (repeat, before
it used to work).
Hum I guess you run into cross-heap issues related to different versions of the
MSVC Runtime...

Perhaps but I am very careful in maintaining separate directories with libs compiled with a certain compiler (I swap between VS2010 and Intel 32, 64) and than always link with the libs created with the same compiler. That's why I want to be able to compile all dependencies that I use to build GDAL.

Next I tried the podofo (funny name) library. Everything compiles fine
but a PDF driver does not exit when print the available drivers (and
obviously, reading pdf does not work).
I also noted that grepping "PODOFO_ENABLED" for the entire GDAL tree, it
only shows up once, in nmake.opt.
Yes, there was something missing in frmts/makefile.vc. I think I've just fixed
it (untested though)

So 'svn update' and retry

Thanks, I'll try it later today.


Ah, it's a Windows build that I'm talking about.

Joaquim Luis
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