Thanks Even.

> I'm confused because if you get to the point of having the trace " PGEO:
> SELECT on GDB_GeomColumns fails, perhaps not a personal geodatabase?" it means
> that you got after the test of r21550 (which should have discared this mdb as
> having no GDB_GeomColumns table), so I highly suspect you are not using trunk
> version for this test.

Correct.  I'm using an old OSGeo4W 1.8dev.  Yes, I should have noticed
that I was not using the results of that r21550.

> r21550 only enforces what existed before : the PGeo driver can only handle
> PGeo MDBs. The new test was introduced specifically to avoid the PGeo driver 
> to
> try opening a MDB that should be recognized by the Geomedia driver (new in
> trunk).

I confirmed that I don't get that trace with the gisinternals
release-1600-gdal-mapserver (from about 2 weeks ago).  I also checked
with this before writing the list, but just checked that trunk also
didn't open the file.  I didn't redo the --debug on portion.

> Why not using the generic ODBC driver for that use case ?

This is apparently what I should have been doing.  I'll try that now.

Thanks, Eli
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