I think I get it more clearly. It 's a linking problem now. When I compiled GDAL 1.9 linked statically with proj. I got the error 'undefined reference to 'pj_init' '. The libray 'libproj.a' must be set in my project. But I use same configure script to test my GDAL 1.6. It turns out that I just need to set ' libgdal.a' without ' libproj.a' .
How can I make the linking way of GDAL 1.9 just like 1.6 ?

于 2012-3-29 16:23, Even Rouault 写道:
Selon chenliang wang<hi181904...@msn.com>:

Thanks for your reply. I have tried 'make clean' and then rebuild GDAL.
And I have also modified GNUmakefile ,replaed '${GDAL_ROOTs}' for '.'
and then 'make clean' and rebuild it again. Unfortunately, I failed
again. I use command ' ./configure --prefix=..... ' Should I need to add
option '--host=mingw32' or '--without-libtool'?
I have not a mingw environment to test. Is it a compilation problem or a linking
problem ?

于 2012-3-29 15:52, Even Rouault 写道:
Selon chenliang wang<hi181904...@msn.com>:

I failed to build gdal 1.9 with minGW. I modified 'cpl_multiproc.h' with
the patch.But there are still errors with build:cpl_multiproc.cpp:73:
undefined reference to `CPLCreateOrAcquireMutex' .Pls help me out.Thanks!

#if defined(WIN32)&&   !defined(CPL_MULTIPROC_STUB)
/* MinGW can have pthread support, so disable it to avoid issues */
/* in cpl_multiproc.cpp */

Did you 'make clean' after applying the patch and before rebuilding GDAL ?
reporter of https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/4430 confirmed that the
patch fixed building for him.

Chen-liang Wang
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