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On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 11:12 PM, Ramiro Gonzalez <
ramirogonza...@suremptec.com.ar> wrote:

> Hi,
> I use wx 2.8.12 in a multiplatform application, I have been having a
> problem with the layout when I resize the main Frame, but '''only happens
> in Windows 7'''.
> I couldn't find the source of the problem, so I was hoping someone could
> help me with it.
> My application have several wxPanels composed in a tree structure with
> sizers, after resizing the top level window, the layout algorithm executes,
> but stops before reaching the last few panels(near leafs, and only in one
> branch of the tree). This branch of the tree is 8/9 panels in lenght.
> I looked closely to the state of the sizers in that branch, and find out
> that one of the sizer's dimension was not being updated, so its dimension
> was different to the size of the containing window.
> {{{
> Window size: h 891 s 1076
> Sizer size: h 389 s 656
> }}}
> While debugging, I added a panel several levels up in the tree(containing
> the inconsistent panel). After this, the bug moved one level up, that is,
> the inconsistency between the windows an the sizer now happened in the
> parent of the previously broken window.
> As a temporal fix, I am listening for wxEVT_SIZE in one of the
> parents(before broken sizer) and manually fixing the Size mismatch:
> {{{
> void FixSizers(wxWindow* pWindow) {
>    if(!pWindow->IsShown())
>       return;
>    wxSize windowsize =  pWindow->GetSize();
>    if (pWindow->GetSizer())
>       pWindow->GetSizer()->SetDimension(0, 0, windowsize.GetWidth(),
> windowsize.GetHeight());
>    wxWindowList& children = pWindow->GetChildren();
>    for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++)
>       FixSizers(children[i]);
> }
> }}}
> This solved the problem, but I would like to know if this has happened to
> someone else, and what could be a probable cause of this behaviour?
> Thanks
> Ramiro
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Chaitanya kumar CH.

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