
On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 3:00 AM, Luis Lisboa <> wrote:
> Thank you Chitanya.
> But it created an output file with two layers (one with the values from
> original file and another with a 255 for the pixels thar are inside KMZ
> file: How can I have produce one layer?

I may be thinking of something else based on your description.  If you
got an output that has the original values in the area of the kmz and
an alpha mask band over the other areas I think that would be
expected.  You can also use -crop_to_cutline to remove that 'extra'

If that isn't what you are talking about, you may want to use ogr2ogr
to convert your kmz to a shapefile in the same projection as your
input raster and see if it gives you a better result.

Bests, Eli

> Thanks
> Luis
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Chaitanya kumar CH <>
> wrote:
>> Luis,
>> gdalwarp has some options for this exact purpose.
>> The cutline can be from any of the OGR readable datasource.
>> On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 9:34 PM, Luis Lisboa <>
>> wrote:
>>> Greetings
>>> I have a raster file (Geotiff) and I have a KML file with a polygon and I
>>> want to cut raster map to only have valid values inside the polygon. How can
>>> I do this using just GDAL?
>>> Usually I used to cut geotiff file with gdalwarp and but in those cases I
>>> was cutting a square (xmin xmax ymin ymax) and in this case is a more
>>> complex polygon
>>> Thanks
>>> Regards,
>>> Luis
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