Selon Frank Broniewski <>:

> Hi Even,
> I need to reinstall my OSM database due to the license change to ODBL.
> Usually I use osm2pgsql for that, but I am willing to sacrifice a little
> downtime of my DB in order to test the GDAL implementation. Before
> storming ahead I wanted to know how far you are with the driver
> implementation - is there anything I need to be aware of?

Apart reading carefully the documentation of the drivers at and to
be aware of the various optimization hints, nothing comes to find. There have
been several optimization passes and improvements done with Jukka's feedback in
the last few months, so now I consider the gist of the developmement phase to be

> Are you
> interested at all in a benchmark comparison between GDAL and osm2pgsql?
> I'll be using the planet file, so thinks will take a while ...

Yes, sure. Feedback welcome. Note that the driver hasn't specifically been
developed to compete with osm2pgsql (for example, the OGR OSM driver, or more
exactly the OGR model, cannot deal with OSM diff files), but more to address the
capability of reading/converting "modest" sized .osm/.pbf files with little

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